
The Tesla Experience


Witness an electrifying, musical, Guinness record-breaking experience that honors the great inventor, Nikola Tesla.  Watch in amazement as our oversized Tesla coil turns 240 volts of electricity into 200,000 volts of musical lightning!

This exhibit pays tribute to noted inventor Nikola Tesla who lived from 1856-1943.  He is most remembered for his technical advances with alternating current, and when he died he had over 250 patents to his name.  Tesla’s inventions and patents paved the way for many modern electronics that we sometimes take for granted today.  Things like the radio, remote control, fluorescent lights, cell phones, hydro-powered dams, and much more would not be possible without his inventions.

The Tesla Experience shows are offered each day at 10:30, 12:30, 2:30, and 4:30. Tickets are $2 per person with admission.  Please visit the front desk to purchase your tickets.

*The Tesla Experience includes bright flashes of light and loud sounds. Protective earmuffs are supplied by the museum and required for all viewers.

This exhibit is sponsored by Brightridge.